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How to uninstall PhotoPlan?


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I've got some trouble uninstalling the software. I installed PV*sol premium and also PhotoPlan. Now I don't need it anymore and that's why I want to get rid of both programs. The normal way (Windows uninstaller) doesn't work for PhotoPlan and there's no unistall.exe in the installation folder. Does anybody have another solution?

I will be very grateful for help.

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Hi Math,

sorry for the late answer - I was a bit irritated as well, as the usual uninstall option seemed to have disappeared.. but then a colleague pointed me to the solution: You have to use the "old" version of the WIndows system settings feature to remove or change programs:


Click on "Programs and features", search for PhotoPlan in the list, right click and select "Change". Dialogs will appear that let you uninstall PhotoPlan.

Good luck, and kind regards,


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