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Luís last won the day on January 25 2020

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  1. Luís

    PR > 100%

    It seems that you cannot receive PMs so I'll send you threw here. UCC_LB.pvprj
  2. Luís

    PR > 100%

    I didn't attach it because I don't want it to become public. Is it possible to send via PM? Thanks
  3. Luís

    PR > 100%

    Hi, Just noticed an erroneous PR in a project sent by a colleague (>100%). Can some administrator have a look? Thanks
  4. Thanks Martin.
  5. Hi, Does PVSol provide an energy yield estimate for P90, P70, etc or all simulations are done considering the P50 probability? Is there any way to get this values? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for the quick reply Martin. That helped. When will be released the next version? Thanks, Luís
  7. Hi, In Solaredge simulations I'm getting a crash during the report generation. I've noticed that after leaving the 3D simulation, there's a warning -"There are more parallel strings than DC-inputs at the inverter" but, after checking the system, that is not true. Apart from this, I don't have any other indication about what might be causing the crash.
  8. It never did... but would be of great interest!
  9. Hi there, It seems that release 3 didn't fix all the problems with the 3D projects. I've got a project in which I've defined the strings and now, after trying to reload it, the program crashes. It's a huge problem since I need to deliver and I'm not in the mood (nor have the time) to start all over again. Luís
  10. ? No bugs there! Thanks Martin.
  11. Hi there, I'm testing this version and after I select a SolarEdge Inverter, I can't select the apropriate optimizer. Only the test is available. This is a major BUG.
  12. Hi there, And in case I have the 2018 version and want to upgrade to 2020? From what I've seen the update prices to the newer version vary from version to version. Should I wait until 2020 is available or buy the 2019 R14 upgrade and when 2020 is available I will get the update? Thanks
  13. Hi Marcel, Thanks for your help. Unfortunately structures A) and C) aren't parallel to the terrain and that is what I need, maintaining a leaned roof with 6º. Is it possible without having to model outside PVSOL? Merry Christmas Luís
  14. Hi everyone! I'm trying to place a structure (car park) in a tilted terrain, so that the structure assumes the inclination of the terrain but, it goes right throw it... That car park also needs to be inclined towards west but it seem that PV Sol only allows me to lean an object in one axel. Is it true or there is another way of doing this? Thanks Luís
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