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  1. Hi, I don't have any specific additional configurations. Intel® Core™ i5-12450H Intel® UHD Graphics Windows 11 21H2 Other people also have this problem: https://forum.valentin-software.com/topic/3407-editing-options-error/?do=findComment&comment=8474
  2. Hi, is there any info about this issue?
  3. Options > General > Enlarge main button bar is chekced Regardless of whether the High DPI Override (PVSOLpremium.exe and ValentinSoftware.PV.Desktop.Wow6432.exe) option is checked or unchecked, it does not solve the problem. Windows 11 Home 21H2
  4. Same isseu here... laptop - 1920 x1200 scale 125% monitor - 1920 x 1080 scale 100% Both the solution from Thomas_10hoch4 and the Change <MainPagerWider>0</MainPagerWider> to -1 not work... Windows 11, PVSol Premium 2022 R6 edit: I used the Windows troubleshooter. Introduced changes: screen settings: scaling to a higher DPI value but now I have a problem that every time I start program the ribbon icons are "big" (as in the attachment) even if I uncheck 'Enlarge main button bar' after close and open pvsol it stay checked also i can't set back <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> to 0. edit2: i change resolution of laptop to 1680:1050 and scale to 100% <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> and it looks like attachment pvsol2. a bit better but far from ideal... Maybe should make change in some of this settings: <GUI> <SideBarWidth>250</SideBarWidth> <SideBarOpen>-1</SideBarOpen> <SortTvStacked>0</SortTvStacked> <HauptDlgFullScreen>-1</HauptDlgFullScreen> <HauptDlgWidth>1936</HauptDlgWidth> <HauptDlgHeight>1048</HauptDlgHeight> <HauptDlgLeft>1672</HauptDlgLeft> <HauptDlgTop>-8</HauptDlgTop> <SchattenAnAus>-1</SchattenAnAus> <MainPagerWider>-1</MainPagerWider> <MeshReducingNew>-1</MeshReducingNew> </GUI>
  5. Hello, There are still the same value. I also wanted to mention that ther is no SUN2000-5KTL-M1 in database
  6. I think that there is a mistake on: Electrical data - other Change in Efficiency when Input Voltage deiates from Rated Voltage in %/100V Picture in attachment in other KTL-M1 there is 0,18
  7. Hello, Is it possible to use one license on two devices? It is about a laptop and a desktop computer. I will add that it will never be used simultaneously. Both device is owned by me and will be used only by me.
  8. Hello, I would like refresh the topic. Is the shading frequency in percentage on 3D simulation can be treated as the time of year when they are partly shaded?
  9. Hello, Could you say what is the methodology for calculating the minimum voltage for MPP?? I add print screen for calcuation made by PVSol for Fronius ECO 27 and LONGi HPH 320 (both products from build-in database) Why the min MPP is so low? My reasoning: Tvoc = -0,286 deltaT = 70-25 = 45 45*(-0,286) = ~ -13% Vmpp = 33,9 Vmpp at 70°C = 33,9 - (33,9* 0,13) = 33,9 - 4,41 = 29,49 20*29,49 = 589,8 Calculation from Fronius Solar Configurator:
  10. Hi, Any updates regarding my comments above?
  11. Hello, I would like to refresh the topic. Now net metering for Poland is not correct. at present: Type of Feed-in upper limit - Share of generated energy (it reduce from total production of energy) It should be Share of Grid Feed-in (should reduce from energy feed into the grid) Next problem is on the presentation: On Section Project Overview in "The yield" there is a Solar Fraction which show Direct Own use / total consumption in % - it should name "own solar fraction" or something like that On section Simulation Results we also get Solar fraction but this time it is PV Generator Energy (AC grid) / total consumption in % - in Poland Net mettering it should be counted in this way: (Direct own use + Grid Feed in*80% or 70%) / Total consumption and it should name "total solar fraction" or something like that. - 80% or 70% it should result from the range in the net metering tariff settings
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