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PR 85%?


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I am wondering what are peoples opinions on PR values? What do you like to see in your designs as your highest PR and lowest PR etc

Could anybody point me in the direction of a UK regulation that states what soiling losses, cable losses, mismatch etc should all be set to as a standard in PVSol to achieve the manufacturers performance figures?


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Hello CarlSEL

Your request slipped through.

On 5/1/2024 at 2:27 PM, CarlSEL said:

I am wondering what are peoples opinions on PR values? What do you like to see in your designs as your highest PR and lowest PR etc

The range includes bad systems <0.60, via good systems at about 0.75 going up to above 0.80 for top systems.

On 5/1/2024 at 2:27 PM, CarlSEL said:

Could anybody point me in the direction of a UK regulation that states what soiling losses, cable losses, mismatch etc should all be set to as a standard in PVSol to achieve the manufacturers performance figures?

I do not have any experience with UK parameters but maybe someone here in the forum has?

Kind regards

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