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Understanding of exported Excel sheet of any PV system

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I want to understand whole exported excel sheet of PV system, Is there any manual of any kind of detailed description of those all entity to understand? I am not getting almost ever entities are in Kwh/m2 which is so confusing for example, yield through orientation & inclination of the moduels surface in in Kwh/m2 with all values are in negative what it means? what those all values are trying to tell?





Hello Nimesh

2 hours ago, Nimesh said:

Is there any manual of any kind of detailed description of those all entity to understand?

Not really I'm afraid.

2 hours ago, Nimesh said:

which is so confusing for example, yield through orientation & inclination of the moduels surface in in Kwh/m2 with all values are in negative what it means?

I am sorry this seems confusing. Many of the values are specific energy amounts. Could you give some more specific examples and elaborate your question?
Which kind of values or units are you expecting?

Kind regards

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Yield through orientation & inclination of the moduels surface is in Kwh/m2, normally it should be in degree or radian, why it is in kWh/m2 what does it means as you said in your another reply does it loss or gain ?


Does all entity in excel sheet describe generation and losses in kWh as per your other response  ? am I right?

means the values which are in negative describes losses and values whoch are in positive describes generation. hope am i going right, actually i am new with this software.


Thankyou verymuch for your time and reply.




Hello Nimesh

19 hours ago, Nimesh said:

Yield through orientation & inclination of the moduels surface is in Kwh/m2, normally it should be in degree or radian, why it is in kWh/m2 what does it means as you said in your another reply does it loss or gain ?

I am sorry, but I do not quite understand your question. Yield means some energy yield produced by your PV system.

In the case for Yield through orientation & inclination it is the gains and losses in comparison to a flat module.
For the location of Berlin, Germany there are pros and cons you have to weigh. Sometimes you put the modules flat on the roof for aesthetical reasons, sometimes you do want to squeeze out every bit of kWh so you might put additional mounting systems. Since you might reach a higher power output, you do also yield more energy. (1) Gains, (2) Losses.


The orientation and inclination of your module area can be set on the page PV modules:


19 hours ago, Nimesh said:

Does all entity in excel sheet describe generation and losses in kWh as per your other response  ? am I right?

means the values which are in negative describes losses and values whoch are in positive describes generation.

You are quite right.
I'd rather say sometimes generation, sometimes it's just gains through clever utilization of physical conditions (putting the normal vector of your module in line with the sun rays).
EDIT: The more I think about it, everything is just a clever utilization 😅

Kind regards

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