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I'm new to this software; any improvements to my workflow is appreciated;


  1. Can the software find the best array design to provide the greatest savings based on many variables? Some fixed inputs would be the 15minute usage profile, energy tariff rates which applies different rates based on time of day and day of week, number and type of module, and roof areas that are usable. The variables would be how to distribute the given modules to the available areas to account for their load profile, value of energy offset at different times, energy yield of the module (including shading analysis) etc. Are any subset of these features available?
  2. Is there a way for the software to work out the best tilted panel placement to minimise shading impact given a total number of panels? If there isn’t, is there a tool that at least removes the worst performing panels until there are a total of x panels?
  3. Is there a way of removing all panels that have a shading impact over x %?
  4. When creating 3D extrusions that bridge the apex of a roof; it doesn’t allow me to multiply or copy paste these objects as they are half inside the current active area and half outside into the adjacent roof. It allows me to duplicate the 3D polygon; but this then requires individually extruding each etc.
  5. As a follow up to above; is there a way to extrude a number of 3D polygons to the same height in one step?
  6. How do you allow for the soiling and panel mis-match losses? Does the software minimise these string losses when using optimisers like SolarEdge?

Any help is much appreciated.


Hello James,

1. Can the software find the best array design to provide the greatest savings based on many variables? ...

No, this is  not possible. You always have to design and define the systems yourself and find the best solution.

2. Is there a way for the software to work out the best tilted panel placement to minimise shading impact given a total number of panels? If there isn’t, is there a tool that at least removes the worst performing panels until there are a total of x panels?

No, both is not possible. It's also not that simple. The percentages on the panels in the 3D visualization don't show the energy loss of the panels. They represent the direct irradiation reduction. Which energy will be produced by the panels or what probably will be lost also depend on the selected inverter and the configuration of the panels, e.g. if you place the panel strings horizontal or vertical etc.

3. Is there a way of removing all panels that have a shading impact over x %?

No, you have to delete the panels each by each or by multiselecting panels.

4. When creating 3D extrusions that bridge the apex of a roof; it doesn’t allow me to multiply or copy paste these objects as they are half inside the current active area and half outside into the adjacent roof. It allows me to duplicate the 3D polygon; but this then requires individually extruding each etc.

In principle it is a bug that you can draw polygons over different roofs. This should not work at all. Normally, you can place objects only on the selected area and they cannot cross the edges.

So, the answer to the question is: No, you cannot copy the objects. But fortunately for you, you can at least copy the polygons.

5. As a follow up to above; is there a way to extrude a number of 3D polygons to the same height in one step?

You have to extrude the objects each by each.

6. How do you allow for the soiling and panel mis-match losses?

For the losses due to soiling and mismatch from the manufacturing process of the panels you can enter a percentage value. This can be done under "Options" > "Program Options" > "Project Options" > "Simulation".

The mismatch losses due to the configuration and shading are simulated by the software.

Does the software minimise these string losses when using optimisers like SolarEdge?

Yes, the program takes into account the reduced mismatch due to the configuration and shading when using optimizers.

Best regards


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