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Dear All,
I have tryed you software some month ago, and we are going to use it again.
Unfortunately, appear the next problem (see the attached file). It happens with 4 file more.
After those 4 messages (one per each file) in the 3D plan, appear a error, and I cannot save the plan.
It seems that there is a corruption with Onedrive, but I cannot change the place of those files...
I have uninstalled the software, the photoPlan, erased the folders of those softwares, and always appear the same problem... I tried to unistall several times the software and always the same. 
Any idea how to solve it?
Please, can you help us?
Many thnaks!

Captura de pantalla 2022-07-25 205901.png


Hi rcanovivan,

welcome to the forum!

There are several reasons not explicitly limited to OneDrive but also valid for other file sharing services which use synchronization, temporary file handlers and so on which are responsible for possible issues.

If in any way possible, try to not use shared user folders, since it might in any situation be possible that a file sharing service is writing to files in a moment when PV*SOL uses a file handler. Another possible scenario might be: When a second user uses PV*SOL and has a different screen configuration than you have, those settings get written to the .ini file which in turn will be used by your PV*SOL configuration.

We know of these issues and are discussing possible solutions. At the moment I cannot say when we will be able to tackle those challenges. As a workaround I propose to use local user folders and only save project files into a file sharing service.

Kind regards,



Many thanks for your quick answer.


Yes I will always to use local folders, but now the problem is that I cannot change this folder to a local one....

I tried to change the folder to local one, but always it changes to the onedrive folder....


Do you have any idea how to do it?

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