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Everything posted by Keyable

  1. Dear Mikio, I tried to do it, but did not have good results... Could you please make a video tutorial about this problem? I am sure many PVSol users would appriciate it. Thank you
  2. Dear Mikio, Thank you for suggestion. I will try this way. Is it possible to do rotation with imported image? Thank you
  3. Dear David, Could you pleaes tell me how you achieved the gap between the Strings on the ground mounted structures? Thank you in advance! Please have a look at my modified image. Best regards
  4. Dear Mikio, Thank you for suggestion, I tried to use "Create Maintanance path" but it works ONLY in case if the panels are strictly facing SOUTH. In my case I have Azimuth direction of 170 Degrees. When I try to use this feature it makes Paths oriented to North-South. Is it possible to make it paraller to my Azimuth degree? In another words, how to make Maintanance Path inclinded to specific angle? Is it possible to make a feature for next updates which will include the distance between Strings? For example to Fill the area with Strings (each string with 18 modules) and after each string to have some X distance. Thank you.
  5. Dear Frederik, Thank you very much for your suggestion, I will try to do it your way. By the way, do you have any plans to implement this feature for the future PvSOL update? It would be very useful for many of your customers. Best regards
  6. Hey, is there any way to assign the distance between strings in a row? For example, I choose to Cover area with chosen assembly. It makes one continuous row with no gap, but I want to configure to have 0.5m gap between every 16 modules (2 portrait). How to achieve it? Please have a look at screenshot. I tried to do "Multiply Module Row Array", but it doesn’t multiply horizontally, it adds Azimuth angle (-10 degrees) also... pls help me with this issue, its very frustrating to work with Ground Mounts, thank you.
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