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  1. Hi PVSol Team, I'm having troubles understanding the Yield reduction due to shading. I've read that it's the percentage difference between shaded and unshaded simulations. When export control is activated the reduction is lower (for identical systems). Where does the difference come from/how exactly is it calculated when export control is turned on? I would have guessed the shading losses to increase with export control because the clipping is usually during the midday when shading is low, so we remove production with "low shading". I think the presentation of the data in this way may be misleading. Attached are two screenshots for the identical system with only export control (0%) activated. Thanks in advance! Boris
  2. Hi, Thanks for the response! I understand. Is there a rough timeline as to when the next version will be released? Is it possible to revert back to R6 in the meantime? Kind regards, Boris
  3. Hi, We have a problem with the new R7 build. We work a lot with imported drone images. In the previous version you used to be able to edit imported map sections (orientation and inclination). Now with R7 the edit button doesn´t do anything and the options menu (right click on a map section in terrain view) has less options. This is quite an important feature which is missing. Could You please give us some insight into why? We´ve also been noticing other missing features through the last updates. There seems to be a limit now on the number of points in a polygon which can be extruded as a building. Polygons with lots of points turn into trees when extruded. This is frustrating because it limits our ability to model curved buildings. Again, why are features removed rather than added? Thanks in advance Boris
  4. Hello! I as well wanted to ask if there are any updates regarding snow calculations.
  5. Hi Frederik, my mistake, I should have been more clear. I meant East-West tilted modules with a small tilt angle (10° in this case). Attached is a screenshot of a sim I did with two south-facing constructions to aproximate E-W and also get the bifacial gain. Although I´m not sure that the results are realistic in this case (depends on wether shading between the two orientations is taken into account) Kind regards Boris
  6. Hallo, just to make sure, does PVSol still not calculate bifacial gain for rooftop east-west tilt? Thanks in advance
  7. BorisG

    MPP Matching

    Hallo, I have a question about the calculation of MPP Matching losses. What in an inverter causes these losses. I have two identical configurations between Huawei and Solax inverters. The difference in losses seems quite big. How exactly is it calculated? Solax Huawei Even for configs with the same brand (for examle 2x50kW vs 1x100kW) there are big differences with MPP matching losses. Thanks in advance! Boris
  8. Hi PVSol Team, I´m trying to plan with the Huawei SUN2000-215KTL-H3 for a 1MW park. In the database the inverter has 3 MPPTs with a maximum power of only 45,45 kW. The max. voltage and current per MPPT are correct (1500V and 100A), just the max. power per MPPT seems incorrect. Is this a mistake or am I missing something? Currently I can not configure the inverter in any sensible configuration. Thanks in advance! Boris
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