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Everything posted by GHO

  1. We see a lot more Thermal system & Battery application. Unfortunetly this is nog possible in PV-sol. Please add a new system type for a future proof pv-sol. ''3d, Grid-connected PV system wilth Electrical Appliances, Battery system and Thermal system''
  2. Hi, Is it possible to remove other country standard feed-in tariffs? We only used ''The Netherlands'' and unfortunetly an other country is always standard, which is inefficiƫnt to me
  3. Dear Valaentin, We as you to import the dutch netting plans: <dutch> https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/energie-thuis/plan-kabinet-afbouw-salderingsregeling-zonnepanelen#:~:text=Vanaf 2025 kunnen huishoudens en,2023%3A 100% To the Pv-Sol Designer, for a real future financial overview.
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