Hi all,
I needed to do some comparisons between several project options, and noticed there is no way to have several projects open at the same time except to open PV*SOL for each one... not so good...
The worst came when with only 3 project versions opened I could definitely notice a huge performance hit on my computer, even though nothing was being done on them.
Opening task manager to see what exactly was causing this huger overload, this info showed up:
The 3 opened projects were all above 17% CPU usage, plus even higher GPU usage, and this while sitting there idle on the 3D "cable plan" tab.
I then exited the 3D module on each one, and the resource usage got back to what it is supposed to be when idle, i.e. near zero, CPU, GPU, and even low memory usage:
I have been told there won't be any changes on the 3D module for at least 1,5 years to come (optimistically speaking).
This absurd performance and resource usages are, in my view, something that needs urgent looking into, we can't wait weeks for it to be fixed, let alone years.
To be clear, this thread is not about using 3 program instances at the same time, it is about one single instance taking 20% CPU and GPU while doing nothing.
Please fix this ASAP.
Thank you.