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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Okay, I have found my mistake, the reason was I didnt subtrac the reflection on the module, I was adding it. because I thought that being a negative value you should add it. I suppose that the reflection is not included in the PR therefore?. Kind regards.
  2. Hi Douglas and Martin I am trying to obtain the same PR value as it appears on the second page of the report by calculating it with the data obtained by the minute simulation, I am usig the ecuation Martin wrote down but it is still not the same. is not the reflection on the module interface included in Global Radiation at the module?. *module area* module efficiency is the same that kWp, or the software change the module efficiency?. I want to calculate the monthly PR, I have already seen the way to obtain it for each inverter. does this way include the soiling/ the reflection /the shading, how would be the ecuation of this PR.? Kind regards
  3. Jon

    dxf files

    Good evening I have noticed that when you export to dxf from "plans and parts list" menu the string plans are not correctly scaled, is something that also happens on the overview plans. it would be great if these issues were fixed in a future, and also if its possible to include an overvie string plan that includes all the strings in just one dxf file and correctly scaled. Thanks in advance for your attention. Kind regards
  4. Hi PhilipSW. I have had the same problem and PVSOL support gave me this advice. The problem seems to be due to your antivirus scanner. This probably blocks the access to the needed directory: · C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Valentin EnergySoftware\Temp. Please try to add this path/directory and the PVSOLpremium.exe (e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Valentin EnergieSoftware\PVSOL premium 2021\PVSOLpremium.exe") to the virus scanner exclusion list or classify them as safe. it didn´t work for me, For the time being I have reinstalled previous version R4 (the file was on downloads folder). And now it works again. Kind regards
  5. Jon

    Optimizers simulations

    Perfect, many thanks
  6. Good afternoon, I have read on this forum the way to use optimizers with all kind of inverters, not only SolarEdge ones. For instance, In this extreme case, I would like to use optimizers on modules and As I have learnt I can use polystring configuration to use optimizers for a selected number of modules, for example if I want to use two optimizers I could do this. But How do I know precisely the modules that are using optimizers?, is there an order?, in that case in the above configuration I would be using optimizers on modules and Do I have to do the following configuration so i ensure the optimizers are on modules and Thanks in advance. Kind regards.
  7. Hi Dennis, I have had the same problem when we work with big projects, if you adopt data in 3D Visualization, save the project and close it, once you reopen the project the problem should be fixed. kind regards Jon
  8. Jon

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    Good afternoon, I think it would be a good idea if Valentin software developers make a wish list in the Forum for the users so they can have a feedback of what is more important and required by the costumers/users and if they are mentioned very often try to include them in the following releases. Here are my wishes ? 1- More stand alone inverter/chargers/components brands, as Victron, Steca, Ingeteam, Solarwatt 2- Bigger area to develop bigger projects 3 - A better relation with 3D software as Sketch-up 4 - The possibility of include some images/pictures or even text in the final report (for clients would be interesting if we can include in one only document the pictures of a visit for example or special information) 5 - BIM/ifc files compatibility. Thanks for your attention. Kind regards
  9. Good afternoon, I wonder if there is a way to use a map selection or a coverable object bigger than 666mx300m. I know that you can always make a simulation of the real area in different parts but in some projects in which there are different separated buildings that occupy a wide area as farms complex it would be very usefull, I am thinking also in medium module mounting/solar farms. If currently is not possible I think that would be a very good improvement for future releases. Thanks for your attention. Kind regards
  10. Many thanks for the information Martin Kind regards
  11. Jon

    solar trajectory

    Hola JDrojas, Lo que te está pidiendo que intruduzcas no es la trayectoria solar sino el sombreado del horizonte, que es el sombredo que puede proyectar un edificio muy lejano o una montaña. Te paso link un sistema para definir ese horizonte denominado Horizon de The Solar Design Company, para que te hagas una idea de los datos que te pide introducir el programa - https://www.solardesign.co.uk/horizon.php - La trayectoria solar te sale automáticamente definida una vez has decidido la ubicación con los datos climáticos, de acuerdo a la trayectoria solar que muestras tu habrás definido el sistema en un lugar próximo al ecuador terrestre. Si terminas de definir el sistema podrás pasar a una interfaz de resultados donde puedes ver la trayectoria solar diaria tal y como te señala developer mm. Un saludo
  12. I wouldn´t want to speak about specific brands, but as stand alone systems are getting more and more common, and one of the most specialized company in this area is Victron it would be great if you can introduce in your data base their products. I don't know how that it works, between you and the solar brands, but at least you could create some PVSOLs items that you can use in a wide range of situations. And also add some connection schemes so you can use a charger/inverter for instance. Thanks for your attention
  13. Many thanks Martin Kind regards, Jon
  14. Good afternoon, I have an enquiry about exporting the simulation results in csv files. I wonder if the data of first column is local time, for instance If I have done the simulation with the climate data of Madrid the first column is the local time of Madrid?. Or GMT?. I would like to compare the data of a simulation with the data of the electric Company´s consumption meter. Thanks in advance. Kind regards
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