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jerryg last won the day on July 15 2019

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  1. jerryg


    I'm using premium version 6 r6. I can switch on optomiser on an inverter but is it possible to do optimisation on each panel? Also with per panel optomiser, is it possible to simulate uneven strings on a single mppt channel? At the moment I can only do strings of same length Thanks
  2. Okay thanks. Only using Microsoft antivirus which I think is okay. Have tried log out and run the software under a new user account on windows and it works under the new user. So seem to be something related to user settings for software Maybe reinstalling software will fix but will use a different windows user for the moment
  3. <?xml version="1.0"?> <PlanData><Version>1.0.1</Version><Layers><Id>0</Id><Name>MODULAREA</Name></Layers><Layers><Id>1</Id><Name>MODULES</Name></Layers><Layers><Id>2</Id><Name>DIMENSIONS</Name></Layers><Elements><LayerId>0</LayerId><LineColor>#000000</LineColor><SpecificData><Polygon><LineType>0</LineType>....</PlanData>
  4. Yes that file is present like described
  5. Yes, even with starting new simple system with 6 panels it behaves the same.
  6. Thanks. I'm still having trouble with plan page not showing roof layout. Just doesn't show on plan page. I can put mouse over roof area and it turns bold but can't click into it or get it to display or export. Screenshot attached I'm using 2016 R6
  7. Is there any option for exporting cable plan or roof layout to dxf? I can export the cable schematic in this format but not the roof layout from 3d design For the cable plan there is the option to print to A4 but what's best way to more detailed output? Thanks
  8. Hi I'm have problem when I combine two module areas. Inverter selection no longer works, no suitable inverter configurations could be found And if I manually try to configure system there is no option to add a second inverter? No option to add second inverter Automatic selection fails with this message Any suggestions or help with this?
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