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Felix Galan

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  1. I have a similar case in which the annual generation in the results, does not match with the annual generation of year 1. I have set P50 in bankability, for a 25-year observation period, and the following module degradation profile: Year 1: 99% Year 31: 87% The result for year 1 within the observation period is around 0.4% lower than the estimated annual generation. PV Generator Energy: 23,848 kWh/y Energy Year 1: 23.724.5 kWh Which generation is the correct one? Is 23,848 kWh a generation for year 0? Why do I have a result for 26 years when the observation period is 25 years? Thank you
  2. I have seen in the below link that PVSol has decided not to calculate the radiation gains of bifacial panels for inclination angles lower than 10 degrees. Will this be considered in the future? This affects one of my model for a carport with a 7-degree inclination. It is a big system (almost 1MWp) in which the gained radiation might make a difference, as I try to optimise the system to export as minimum electricity as possible. For others cases with elevation between 10 and 80 degree, how is the rear albedo calculated? Is it possible to input this value? Thanks https://forum.valentin-software.com/topic/1325-wrong-amount-of-pv-generator-energy-ac-grid/
  3. Hi, How can I display the characteristic curves for a grid-connected project? When I select characteristics curves in the diagram editor, I obtain the message: "No characteristic curves available. Please activate recording of characteristic curves in Program Options". I have selected: "Record characteristic curves for modules/All" in Options/Project Options/Simulations. However, I still cannot see the characteristic curves. Is there anything else I must do to obtain the characteristic curves? Thank you.
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