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  1. Hello, I want to simulate the 2000 kWh battery, and the maximum percentage of PV energy must be for own consumption. Why is this not covering the load demand? Please, can you explain to me what the number of battery systems is? For the Tricera battery (368 kW/384 kWh), the actual number of battery systems needed is 6. But with one battery system, the output is 368 kW/144.5 kWh(as per datasheet), as attached in the snapshot. To fulfil my requirements, I have to take 14 battery systems with 5152 kW/2023 kWh. Is there an error? Thanks
  2. Hello I am facing some issues regarding the annual yield. In the east-west system and the south-facing system, there is a major difference after simulation for the same location, as you can see in the attached screenshot. Simulation is done in 2D. Can you explain why it's happening? Thanks
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