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Everything posted by PhilR

  1. Day by Line 2000027387248.csvHi Frederick I have tried this option, but cannot get it to import, always file corruption errors When I lay out same data in one line per entry ( one line per 30 minutes) it imports perfectly I attach the file and perhaps you would not mind taking a look to see whats the problem please I must be doing something stupid?
  2. The data I regularily receive from clients is in spreadsheet format - ie xls or CVS and has one row per day, usually kWh consumed every 30 minutes, so that is 48 columns of kWh data for 365 rows This seems to be common format To convert to one row per entry is a massive task If there was some way that PV Sol could accept data structured in this way, it would make it so much more practical Phil
  3. PhilR

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    Ability to import CSV consumption files in more normal format - ie one row per day. To have to manually convert 48 entries in one row for 365 days worth of data is nuts.
  4. All the data I have received from clients comes in spreadsheets with one row of 48 entries per day. I imagine this is a fairly common format. That a £1000 plus piece of software is unable to accept a CSV input in a common format it appalling. To have to manipulate 365 lines of data by hand is insulting to PV SOL clients. This issue has been around for some years looking at the forum above, and still PV SOL has done nothing?
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