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Jan K

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  1. Good day, I'm trying to make a simulation using last years climate data, I managed to import the data, and everything looks good. But when I run the simulation I get barely any losses on "orientation and inclination of the modules surface". When I run the simulation with normal PVGIS-SARAH (Vijfhuizen) climate data I get 10,7% losses on orientation (the modules are 10° sloped facing north) When I run the simulation with last years (Koole-Vijfhuizen3) data I get 1,7% orientation losses. Everything with last years data seems realistic (temp, irradiaton, location etc.) Do you know why I get these big differences? Thank you in advance, Jan Kleppe Generation Green Koole-Vijfhuizen3.dat Vijfhuizen_2005_2020.wbv
  2. Hello, At the moment I'm simulating a plant which has quite a bit of inverter down regulation on account of max. AC power/ cos phi. This is due to the sizingfactor of the inverters being quite high. But is it also possible to run the simulation over multiple years. My expectation is that the down regulation would be less each year (at the same solar irradiaton) due to the degradation of the modules. Is this possible to simulate this, so I can have some numbers by my expactation. Thanks,
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