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Rohith last won the day on February 15 2023

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  1. I found the answer i was looking for in the German forum. Thank you
  2. Hi, Could you please explain me why the Production Forecast in my project dosent match the Yield.
  3. Hi, Is there a way to limit the grid export? for example in this project i want my own consumption to be at 25000 kWh/year and the excess to be sent to the grid. can you please tell me how to do it. Thanks in Advance Regards Rohith
  4. Thank you Martin, I will try again with low vertices Regards Rohith
  5. HI, My project Crashes during shading simulation. can you please help. I have checked everything but to no avail. I have attached the file. Thanks
  6. Hey! I am also looking forward for wind/Snow load calculations to be available in PV Sol. At least for the roof top ones for now. It is always a hassle to design the same thing twice. I wish Valentin implements these calculations in PV-Sol soon too. Regards
  7. Rohith

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    It would be nice if we have montaging options also not only for modules but also for the under construction and it would be even better if we can create a part list where it can fore cast how many module clamps, rails , hooks etc. Wind load/ Snow load analysis. Height limit of 300m is a bit small as i import .obj files they are imported vertically and they scale bigger projects making it very difficult to plan. Would love the idea of having a Scaffolding object.
  8. Hi I have designed and simulated a project but there are some problems in the report. the inclination of the actual roof and the boundary conditions are different as an example This is the inclination i have in my module areas but i have a different inclination in my Yeild for EnEV simulation result. It should be 25 degrees but instead i have 30 degrees. I have also faced the same problem in different projects . How do I solve this problem? Thanks for the support in advance!
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