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  1. We are experimenting with using a 3rd party for 3D model creation. Each time we try to import their model (in .dae format) it gives notices on missing textures, for example: The texture 'Brick_Antique_01.jpg' was not found. This leads to the model being imported with no textures. The 3D models import into their PVSol without problems. How to I 'include' the required textures with each model?
  2. Frederik, I didn't send it, sorry, I misunderstood. Although a little more difficult for you, are you not happy to use my screenshots? All the information you need is there and there are only a couple of figures you need to get from them. The rest of the figures are easily copied/pasted from the pdf I attached in my first post. If you could use the screenshots I'm sure it would be easier for everybody else to understand too as everything shown will be relevant to them. If you simply aren't happy in doing so, just let me know. Thank you.
  3. Thank you, let me know if you need any other info.
  4. Hi Frederik, Happy to keep this in the forum so it might help others understand if that's ok.. Here are the images you are looking for:
  5. Hi, I have attached a redacted financial summary from a PVSol report. Could you possibly explain how we have reached the figure of £151,871.73 'electricity savings' for the first year please (last page)? Thank you. financials.pdf
  6. Would help if I selcted kWh rather than kW - sorted here
  7. Hi, I am trying to model using HH data that runs 18th April to 18th April. I can succesfully create a single line .csv file with this data (17520 lines), but upon inputting into PVsol the amounts are not correct. How best to proceed? Thanks.
  8. Thank you Frederik
  9. I couldn't find an option to increase the timeout of 60 seconds for suggested inverter configurations - is this possible? On larger arrays, I would happily wait a few more minutes for the right suggestion. Thanks.
  10. Hi Frederik, Thanks for the reply. That's a shame, I'm sure the info would be very insightful. Regards.
  11. I'm interested in viewing the data that is downloaded via Meteosyn for any given location. Is it possible to view the .wbv files? I realise that I can download simulation results (hourly values) from a finished design, but I'm trying to look at the data in its initial, raw format if possible. Thank you.
  12. Hi Martin, Although I thanked you via PM I thought I should do so here too. From what you have said in regards to replying in the forum, it looks like I should be taking this up with support rather than posting here (and I will..) With regards to all the information I have garnered from this thread and by researching, this would be a very easy feature to add to PVSOL so I can't understand why it hasn't been already? I realise you will have an answer for this, but really? From chatting on the internet with others there is a need for this, and it is growing (showing due diligance to clients is huge) and I know of at least one developer who is working on this to create software that creates the graphs you have shared automatically. Just food for thought really. Thanks again for your help, it's appreciated, especially as this is a free service that can only be answered in your spare time rather than a product support forum, which I presumed it was.
  13. Hi again, Apart from the questions above (which would be great if you could answer) So I have been testing alternative methods for ROI (accrued cash flow) using software from other companies, and although possible, I am keen to invest in PVSOL. I really hope you release a method of doing this very, very soon. You have been very detailed in your replies, and for that I am grateful, but could you please help me to undertstand some of the finer points so I can test PVsol in it's current state? Some of my questions may be very simplistic, for that I apologise. I think some of the problems I have is because sometimes you mention MWh when I think it should be KWh and also the energy usage over the 12 months is 98692 KWh not 48934KWh. 1. The graph 'optimizing system size for accrued cash flow': What exactly are you plotting there? Please answer using the data I have specified if possible. You then go on to state 'that means if you have 49 MWh of annual consumption you could go for a PV system size of 30 to 100 kWp'. the 49 MWh aside (should be 99 KWh?), how have you come to this conclusion? Again, the obvious aside, I can't see how you garner the information of 180 panels (74kWp) from the graph? Where does the 0.6kWp come from? How does 72 panels equate to £32,000? Would love clarification on these steps too. I really want to know this process inside out. I understand there is no easy way to do this currently and it means remodelling each time which will take a long time, however if I can successfully do this, I am happy to do this to ensure clients get the best modelling service from me when looking at jobs for them. Please help me understand the above - thank you.
  14. Hi again, any updates at all please? Also, is there an easy way to select which elements of the design are used for each calculation? For example, if I create a design that fills the available roofspace with many panels over mutiple strings and then want to add/remove panels for each simulation, is there an easy way to do this? Thank you.
  15. Thank you Martin, this is really appreciated. It's one I'm going to keep an eye on for sure as I think this aspect is key in designing. From my limited knowledge this DOESN'T happen currently with the majority of PVSOL designs submitted. The load profile I submitted was for 98692 kWh (at £14,755.68) for the year. There is a mention of 48934 kWh on the file which is confusing, but is just their internal estimate before the correct readings were ascertained. Sorry if this has confused the issue. Thank you, the process is clearer. Can I break it down into some smaller questions please? 1. Are these figures based on 20 or 25 years? 2. As a guide when setting Annual Average Return On Capital Employed, what should this be set to as a guide? Also, as a slight aside, when running these tests is there a simple way of selecting module areas you want in the design each time? Using this as an example, if I filled the roof with my initial design, but then want to run the above scenario, how best to select separate areas each time to model? I can't find a selector or tick box for each area to include, or not? I totally agree. The accrued cash flow graphs can be showed for each simulation to highlight why your recommendations were made - perfect. I understand, although I do believe this feature is very important and if advertised correctly, could really help PVSOL sales.. Again, I look forward to hearing from you and really appreciate you working with me on this - thanks.
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