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  1. I want to do a project where I use PVT modules (solar and thermal), but I cannot achieve this using PV*SOL. What is your recommendation? since PV*SOL covers only the electrical generation of these modules and T*SOL doesn't have them.
  2. @developer_cd
  3. @developer_fw
  4. Hello, I am doing a project where the shading is 20% almost, i tried everything to reduce it but it doesn't go less than 18%. The PV panels are mounted on the flat roof with 10 degree angel towards south. i have sent an email to the hotline but i have no reply yet. Thanks in advance,
  5. juhaina

    Shading lag

    @developer_fw i have sent an email but no respond too , could you assist in this ?
  6. juhaina

    Shading lag

    Hello, I am trying to simulate the shading after i did the building and the inverter selection but the program crashed many times on module 6200. my project is almost 2,5 MW and i did in the same day simulation for 2,6 without any problems what should i do?
  7. no i did not , but i sent a bug report
  8. PV Sol crashes when i do the finla simulation of all the shadow , my design have 4355 PV modules , how can i solve it ?
  9. juhaina

    Shadow Analysis

    i am trying to see the shadow effect for this ( dach parallel panels ) on roof , but it shows it is 99,9% , while there is no building around , what is the problem ?
  10. juhaina

    import 3d model

    i am trying to import a model to pv sol but it does not show all the buidling completly. i used blender but there is smth i cannot remove. design 3.skp
  11. here u go final_design.skp
  12. The problem is the software does not activiate my 3d model , so i can not draw a mounting surface on it…
  13. hey i am trying to import a 3d object from sketch up but it keeps showing this " there is not a sufficiently large available area on this 3d object" what should i do ?
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