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Heymo last won the day on August 7 2024

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  1. Hello and thanks in advance for the Excel idea. I applied it in a project I am developing in a hangar type building and it worked well. Basically it is about making building pieces (volumes) for which the geometry has been previously calculated (height and width, the length is known). Then the building has to be "assembled" from these pieces. It is not very complicated.
  2. Heymo

    Add Battery

    Thank you for your response. I will try to generate the information with the little data available and the suggestions you give me. In any case, it would be nice if Valentin decided to include these batteries in the PVSol database.
  3. Heymo

    Add Battery

    Hello, in my case I find it difficult to add some batteries due to what I believe is a lack of relevant information in the datasheets given by the manufacturers. For example the Deye SE-G5.1 Pro-B battery. I am attaching the datasheet, to see if anyone can help me. I can't see where to get data such as Cell voltage, Number of cells in series, Number of lines, Internal resistance in mOhm, Self-discharge in %/month, Discharge curve in hours vs capacity in Ah and Depth of discharge (DoD) curve in % vs Discharge cycles. 4319-datasheet-a-lv-3u battery se-g5.1 pro-b v2.1 (1).pdf
  4. Hi I think it would be of great interest to the forum and above all helpful if the "PVSOL help/inverters/connection limits" section not only indicated the meaning of the different tolerances. I suggest that it be complemented with a practical example, in which for an inverter of any brand, it is indicated how to define these tolerances (sizing factor, minimum MPP voltage exceeded downwards, etc.).
  5. Hello Frederik, Thank you for your reply. Regarding the question about the "tariff period" column, I have to inform you that this type of tariff, which applies to the industrial sector, includes six (6) price periods (P1 to P6) whose magnitude varies according to what the distributor defines as the time of the year. Four (4) types of seasons related to consumption, high/medium-high/medium/low, have been defined. Thus, for example, the high season applies to the months of January, February, July and December, with the particularity that the magnitude of the P1/P2/P3, which are the types of tariffs that apply, changes in each of these months. This is one of the things that complicates the mapping of the fare scheme. In my initial query I forgot a piece of information about how the different tariffs (P1 to P6) are distributed throughout the day for each of the months of the year. The table "Peninsular energy calendar - 6-period tariff" is included. On the other hand, I must clarify that energy prices do not depend on "energy bands". They depend on the time zone of the day and month in which they are applied. I am aware of how complicated this tariff scheme is, which is unfortunately common in the Spanish market. I thank you for your cooperation. PVSol Tariff rev B.docx
  6. Hi, I have seen several queries related to the definition of the purchase tariff scheme in PVSol, for various tariff periods, but I still have some doubts. The background in Spain would be that of a system with 6 tariff periods (€/KWh) that change according to the time of the year (see attached). In the replies there is mention of a query about a case of two (2) tariff periods (day, night) and it is stated: "You can set the numbers 1 and 2 in the table of the tariff period definition as you require". According to the attached information, 36 tariff cases have to be defined on the Net-Metering Tariffs page?. These 36 tariff periods should then be entered, indicating the corresponding monthly consumption in the "comsumption page". Is this the case? On the other hand, is there anything else to do in the section "Number of different tariff period definitions/Setting of tariff period definitions" on the Net-Metering Tariffs page? PVSol Tariff.docx
  7. Hola Carlos, sobre tu consulta, me gustaría saber si pudiste aclararte y resolver tus dudas. Imagino que estabas planteando algo parecido a cómo introducir la tarifa tipo 6.1TD en PVSol. Es así? Lo solucionaste con la respuesta que te dieron?
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