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  1. Hello, I am interested in a financial analysis based on hourly rates. (8700) prices. I want to know if I can simulate the sale of energy at different hourly prices. Can I import the prices into the financial analysis? Can I automatically simulate different battery operations? Can PVSOL automatically find the best operating configuration from a financial point of view if I give it the database of hourly prices for the energy delivered to the grid? Thank you. Codrin
  2. Thank you! I will check. Codrin Somesan
  3. Thank tou. I will test this sugestion. Tks again. Codrin Somesan
  4. Thank you Mikio. for this moment is enough. The idea was to simulate different P/Pn interval with different cosF. Codrin Somesan
  5. Dear Colleagues, Is it possible that there are errors in the software in the battery charging/discharging simulation process? I ask this because I simulated a project with 3Mwp/2.4Mw and a 1.6Mwh/0.6MW battery and in the load production curve it seems to me that the rule given by me regarding the load-discharge intervals is not respected? In the LP it is not what I expected?! Why? Please check and tell me where I am wrong? I am attaching PVSOL, *xls for LP and some images. I would like to see in the LP - the battery fully charged from clipped energy and if is necessary with some of the fotovoltaic. Not from grid.Analiza Domnesti - 1-8M restr - cu baterie 600 - 1200kwh.pvprjAnaliza Domnesti - 1-8M restr - cu baterie 600 - 1200kwh.pvprj Codrin Somesan Analiza Domnesti - 1-8M restr - cu baterie.csv Analiza Domnesti - 1-8M restr - cu baterie 600 - 1200kwh.pvprj
  6. Dear colleagues, can we do system analysis of the use of high-capacity batteries in production systems with integrated delivery of production. Can we simulate the utility scale photovoltaic plant with battery (1-2Mwh) If yes! Please tell me where I can find study resources for this analysis. Thank you.
  7. Dear colleagues, can we analyze the system considering cosF, (power factor) active/reactive power circulations. Can I obtain the reactive energy circulation? It is possible to simulate +/- cosf and simulate the network for obtain the Voltage profile at the connection point? If yes! Please tell me where I can find study resources for this analysis. Thank you.
  8. Dear Martin, please help me to override 7500 limit panel. And 10000 limit also. Thank You. Codrin Somesan
  9. Good enough. Thank You Frederik!
  10. Dear Martin, can I put on the final report one table with the yearly energy production? I saw that only financial values are in the table. Can I generate one table with monthly / yearly energy production in a table form. Thank you in advance. Codrin
  11. Dear all, can some one explain me why my prjv file is huge? One 400kW flat roof is 200MB without any screenshots inside! Can I make something to decrease the volume? Thank you in advance. Codrin
  12. Dear all, please tell me if exist the possibility to import/upload one DWG file in PVSOL and start building on that? Can we import GEO/TOPO Dwg files for field? If we have some hills haw we can simulate the on field instalation. I know how to import images / jpg files. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Codrin Somesan
  13. Thank you Martin.
  14. Dear Martin, it is possible to add in the system database the Huawei 330KTL inverter. I've added but I am not 100% sure that all is ok with it. It has too much parameter and I want to be sure that I will configure well. Thank You in advance.
  15. Thank you very much Martin!
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