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Everything posted by semiht

  1. Hi, I'm creating a off-grid system. I have 24500kWh consumption for year, and month of January is top with 2532kWh(per day about 84kw). I calculated and using 81 pieces 395W solar panels. And system have configuration of inverters like that: 3x5kw inverter for mpp1+2 1x15 (total 45 modules) and 2x6.5kw inverter for mpp1 1x9 and mpp2 1x9 (total 36 modules). There is no problem until to this point. I want to work system about autonomy like 2 days. as i calculated: 2x84kw=168kw. when i take in losses. 168/0.76=221. up to nearly 225kw. But when in pvsol, the program dont let the simulate under 390kwh total battery power. I cant solve that problem. Please help. my panel is 24v, inverters are gw5k-et and gw6.5k-et, used batteries are li-on 24v 180ah 4.75kw (2 series 43 strings configurated by the pvsol). sunny time per day is 3.5 hours Thanks.
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