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  1. Hello, I had a problem today with the specific annual yield calculation. I planned twice a PV plant with different load profile, but the devices (Inverter, Modules, Batteries) remained unchanged. Surprisingly the specific annual yield changed. Do you have any explanation why the specific annual yield is function of - or at least is influenced by - consumption? Thanks in advance Kamal
  2. Kamal


    Hallo Martin, Danke für die Antwort, das hilft sehr. Also die Zähler Geschichte ist geklärt. Für das Beispiel mit der 2 Wechselrichter und 2 Batterien, schauen Sie im Anhang. Ich habe vergessen zu erwähnen, dass die Batterien sind DC-gekoppelt. Beispiel.bmp Danke Kamal
  3. Kamal


    Guten Tag, Ich kriege Schwerigkeiten mit dem automatischen erzeugten Schaltplan. Also für PV-Anlage die niedriger als 10kWp sind, es keinen Erzeugungszähler geben sollte. Ich habe versucht es zu löschen, aber außer mit "Paint" geht komme nicht zurecht damit. Darüber hinaus, wenn die Anlage aus zwei "Batteriewechselrichter" besteht, und dann natürlich mit zwei Batterie (eine pro B-Wechselrichter) ausgerüstet ist, erhalten wir einen Schaltplan mit alle Batterien auf dem gleichen Wechselrichter verschaltet. Würde es einige Optionen geben um diese automatische Planzeichen zu konfigurieren? Danke schön im Voraus für die Hilfe. Kamal
  4. Kamal

    Report pictures

    Hello everybody, I'm trying to choose the pictures used in the report. Except the "screenshot" function, is there another way to change a the picture named "overview Image of 3D design"? Thanks a lot
  5. Hello Martin, Of course you can use this case. We are here to share! I still have the PV Sol Premium 2017, therefore I guess in this version that option is not available. Thank you anyway for the video and tutorial. Kamal
  6. Hello PV Sol team and friends, I know it has been already discussed, but I would like to have some support on my case. Here it is, I tried to connect modules who have different directions and tilts on only one inverter. The problem is I can't do it despite the power optimizer. The modules can't be connected altogether on one inverter. My goal is to have a system with : - Power optimizer on every modules (SolarEdge P300) - Only one E3/DC inverter mini with battery (so a DC system) I have enclosed my project, Thanks a lot for the support Kamal PVSOL_Projektplanung_SolarEdge_E3DC.pvprj
  7. Hello everybody, Is it possible to swap from a model of solar module to another (for example swap from JaSolar 275p to Canadian Solar CS6K) without deleting the former module mounting or coverage? Kamal
  8. Hi Martin, thanks a lot for the answer, I appreciate it. Your recommendation of creating a template is not feasable for me because the number, type and areas are changing from a project to another. Hence I will have to compute this 90% degradation afterwards anyway. But now it's clear, Best regards Kamal
  9. Hello, I'm a bit new with the software and I tried to find the answer of this question before writing this message, without success. Here's the thing, I would like to put a default value for the module degradation. I always put the same value (90% after 20yrs) which I think is consistent with the field behaviour. Is there any possibility to put a default value for this? Thank you for your help and you really did a great job for the software!
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