Hello, I realized that when I try to add a coverable object with the 3D feature (for example a flat roof building) and I then activate the building the coverable area becomes the roof and also the walls of the building. Clicking on the arrows I have the option to place panels on the roof but also then on the walls of the building. I believe that due to this I can't have the automatic cabling. Can you please assist me? Please let me know where I can send you some screenshots in order to give you a more clear idea of what is happening.
Hello, I designed a roof mounted solar system and selected panels and inverters. When I reach to the cabling section sometimes the buttons are not active and all cabling is not shown. Sometimes the buttons are active and when I run "cable automatically" nothing happens. There are no cables shown on the panels. Is there something I missed during the configuration? How can I get this problem solved?
I recently purchased the PV-SOL Premium and I can't run simulations or reports because on the bottom of the page I read the error "First, please define a valid system in the 3D visualization". No matter what type of system I select I can't run any report in 3D. What do I need to do?