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  1. Thank you Thomas for the hint. It seems that is the problem as the map in MeteoSyn does not show up as well. However, I am connected to the Internet, and I can open the link you provided. I also disabled my firewall and tried again, but I got the same error message. Onur
  2. Thank you, Martin, for the quick response! I am using PV*SOL Premium 2016 (R3) and MeteoSyn This is what I am doing: From "Climate Data" under "System Type, Climate and Grid" tab, I open the "climate data selection" MeteoSyn windows shows up. Under "options" tab on MeteoSyn, I click "import file." Change the file format from DWD to Meteonorm. Select Vicehour.dat file This procedure ends with MeteoSyn giving the error message of "Missing information could not be imported." Best regards, Onur
  3. Hello, I was working on the same problem. Even if I try hourly values in a .dat file (for instance, using "vicehour.dat" you posted or the one I created with my measured data), Meteosync says "Missing information could not be imported." I would appreciate your help. Thank you!
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