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  1. Thank you very much, I managed to do it!
  2. Hello, I hope you are well. My question is, I wanted to expand an existing solar system, at the moment there are 8 480Wp modules with a 6 Kw inverter with only one string used. I now wanted to expand the system with newer 580Wp modules up to the maximum of this inverter. But I don't understand how I do this in the software, inserting 2 different modules for the same inverter. Thank you
  3. Good afternoon, I have a question, I am currently configuring an off-grid system with and without a generator, I am applying a hybrid inverter in this case "Huawei 5Ktl- L1" and batteries also "Huawei LUNA2000-(5-30)-S0" Since the inverter is hybrid, I do not need a battery inverter, however the program always shows me the option with a battery inverter... This is due to the fact that the program does not have the capacity to read a hybrid inverter or is me doing something wrong? All the toturials and videos I watch don't use hybrid inverters so I didn't find much help. Thanks
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