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  1. Hi, Yes, this helped! Thanks for your assistance! Pauline
  2. Hi, Yes, this helped! Thanks for your assistance! Pauline
  3. Hi, I'm having trouble using the 'Create climate data for new location': 'Measurement data' feature in MeteoSyn because the 'OK' button remains inactive. What am I doing wrong, or why is this happening? Kind regards, Pauline
  4. Hello Frederik, When the file is saved among the userfiles, it ends up in the NLD (Netherlands) folder instead of BEL(Belgium). I'm confused because the coordinates 50.925,3.197 (entered as 50.925,-3.197) should be in Belgium. I've double checked the file formatting (less than 4 decimal digits, real tabs, 8764 lines (4 introducing lines and 8760 data lines). I added the file that gives the error 'Missing information could not be imported.'. Do you have any idea why I'm still unable to import the file correctly? Best regards, Pauline meetdata weer SunnyPortal voor PVsol 2023.dat meetdata weer SunnyPortal voor PVsol 2023.txt
  5. Hi, I'm trying to insert my own climate data record into MeteoSyn in PVsol premium. I created a DAT-file (see screenshot 1) following the instructions on the help desk (https://help.valentin-software.com/pvsol/2023/en/pages/system-type-climate-and-grid/meteosyn/#options). Now, I want to import this file via the tab options in the 'import file' section (see screenshot 2). After inserting the file, I either get the error message: 'missing information could not be imported', or the file is saved in the WBV_userfiles folder, but then I can't figure out how to select this WBV-file to be included in the climate data in PVsol for calculations. How can I correctly import my file?
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