I'm trying to add a cost/expenditure, but not annually or a percentage, but fixed after er certain amount of years.
I have configured a system in Denmark, with 25 years assessment period.
After 15 years, a cost needs to be added for the inverter to be replaced. It could be a percentage of the total cost, but it has to be a one time cost just like the system.
In the "Financial Analysis Parameters", i have added a non-tax deductible cost, which gets added the first year. But there is no feature to add another one time expenditure with a fixed year.
I have read older manuals, which specifies i have to go through financing/loans, but the menus/drop downs is not the same anymore.
Furthermore PV*SOL makes an error, if i try to adjust the term years to 1 and free initial period to 15 years.
Am i looking in the wrong place?
Thank you.