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  1. Hello, I've got daily solar radiation measurements (W/m2) from local meteo station. https://ibb.co/LR8YnXj After comparing kWh/m²a data between PVSOL provided data and meassured values, i get 10-14% more radiation. https://ibb.co/K21BBgT https://ibb.co/FwsMsLK https://ibb.co/ZL8L8Yh Does PVSOL uses old data or im doing something wrong by entering data? I calculate average month W/m2 value before entering to PVSOL or is it possible to enter daily data? https://ibb.co/7njr8wH PVSOL presentation with measured values gives me 1261,8 kWh/kWp what is unreal in my country. According to https://meteonorm.com/en/demo-files-maps Europe - Yearly sum of global horizontal irradiation (1996–2015) i should get about 1000-1050 kWh/m2. Please help! Stoties apsvitos duomenys Aido.xlsx 500 kW saulės elektrinė Vinkšnėnų k., 9103-0013-0035 (540W) stoties duomenys.pvprj
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