Hi Frederik, I make a PV system for the university, I select a school load profile for my project, and the energy flow chart is changed. So I understand that I must create daily and hourly load profiles for the project. anyway if we input just monthly or yearly annual load values, PVSOL can take some concurrency coefficients which I do not know maybe these values default. So I want to share the results with you. first I entered annual yearly consumption which pictures marked with number 1. In this case, own consumption is 470452 kWh and export power is 1157052 kWh. In the second case, I chose a school load profile for my project and entered the annual consumption value which pictures marked with number 2. In this case, the own consumption is 708358 kWh and the export power is 919146 kWh. For an accurate result I must create a load profile, am I right?