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  1. Good afternoon, I'm having an issue with a project that I've been designing. It is an 806kW project. I initially designed it with Q-Cell Q.PEAK DUO M-G11S+ 415W Rev1 which is on their database. I've redone the design with Q Cell 440W, which I've inputted on the database myself, and the overall annual production has reduced significantly even though the kWp is the same. I've interrogated the PV system energy details, and it appears the cause is the parameter titled - Reflection on the Module Interface. On the original design it was 0kwh/m2, but with the new panel, it's increased to -71kWh/m2. My question is, is there anything I can change on the module database that can reduce this figure to zero? I've tried to change certain aspects, but to no avail. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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