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  1. Hi Mikio, I hope you’re doing well!, I’ve noticed some improvements in the latest update, which is great! However, while working on a large imported 3D model today, I encountered some issues that seem to have resurfaced. The problem appears in all views. As in the attached photo with the factory, you can see that the modules aren't clearly defined or rendered. We need to get quite close to the roof and leave a part of it out of the screen no matter how large is the building just to achieve better definition, as shown in the photo without the factory. While I appreciate the enhancements since the last update, it seems that rendering issues with larger 3D models might still need attention. Thank you for looking into this! Best regards Anas
  2. Hello Frederik, the issue seems in a specific limit in the software that doesnt allow the whole project to render, not really related to the size of the project even if there is a 5 MW on-roof project it only renders maybe the 75% of it as shown above in the screenshot. Looking forward for your respond and thanks for the continuous support. Anas
  3. Hello PV*Sol community and team, I'm having an issue with 'on roof' projects that are relatively large as hangers, halls, multiple roofs and so on, there is no possible way to take a high quality representable picture of the whole roof/project. Either taking a photo of only a part of the project with high quality modules texture or having the whole project / roof in frame but with heavily compromised modules texture quality. I have designed something as an example and I'm looking forward for your thoughts on it.
  4. Thank you Frederik, when could we expect the next update?
  5. Hello PV*SOL team and community, I've been planning projects with the software since a while now and I'm looking forward for what's coming. lately I have faced an issue and I coudln't seem to find the solution. I used to export the string planes as a dxf. format and continue the work in AutoCad and all was good till now where I get other units in autoCad as shown in the attached screenshot, this issue only happens when I export the string planes, and units stays correct when I export the planes before the connection 'only in pv modules placement'. I tried resetting PV*SOL and AutoCad to the factory settings and the issue is still there. looking forward for your help.
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