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Michiel Willemse

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  1. Hi Mikio, Strange my database still show the latest version of that battery system is version 2. I found that my license wasn't updated to the new user based licensings, so I corrected that. After restarting the PV*Sol it is now taking the latest version and is indeed working correctly. Thank you for your support. Best regards, Michiel
  2. Hi, this problem is not resolved for my case with tOntwerprapport gebouw141 Solax v2.pvprjhe same Solax X3-ULT-25K inverter. See my pvsol file attached. I'm using PVSol Premium version 2025 R2 and have update the databases. Best regards, Michiel
  3. Hi Mikio, I sent my project file to hotline@valentin-software.com on 7 May, but didn't receive a response yet. Could you have a look at the issue I described above? Thank you in advance, Michiel
  4. In a case with PV and a battery the export power is limited to 0kW by feed-in clipping. The battery is charged/discharged according to a time schedule. Discharging of the battery is limited due to feed-in clipping, but it still affects the SoC. Therefore the battery is charged with energy from the grid more than it should. In the screenshots it's visible that the battery SoC is significantly reduced even though most of the power is clipped. The C10 of the battery is 462,3kWh, so the 3,7kWh discharge for consumption should only be 0,008 of the SoC but the change is much higher (although not exactly 86.281/462,3). In the annual figures it is also visible that as a result too much energy is imported from the grid: 243.000kWh consumption, 77.577kWh direct own use, but still 217.390kWh import from grid. Do I see this right? If yes, could that be fixed in the software? batterij.csv
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