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  1. Thank you! Is there any plan to update the program for this type of simulation as well?
  2. Hello Please help me with the following configuration I want to configure a 20 KW stand alone system with a 20 KWh storage battery. I want to configure the system so that I only use a hybrid offgrid inverter for both, solar panels and battery. I do not want to use a battery inverter. Can this configuration be done in pv sol?? Thank you
  3. Hello, I am trying to make an off grid system of 100 KWp in panels, a 100KWh battery and a 58 KW generator. The problem is that in the simulation the battery does not charge. I am attaching the project below. Please help me with the configuration of this system and the battery Thank you Agrointens S.A. off grid v2025.pvprj
  4. please update the database with the batteries from dyness DH200F, D100F and others. the ones entered in pv sol do not have the power in Kwh according to the data sheet thank you
  5. Hello, For a photovoltaic system of 400 KWp with a storage power of 1290 KWh. Please help me to configure so that the capacity produced by the photovoltaic system charges the storage system the first time, then the energy goes to consumption or to the grid . I would like the simulation to result in at least 75% of the energy production from the photovoltaic system being taken over in storage and the difference in consumption or grids
  6. Hello, I updated from pv sol 2024 to pv sol 2025. Simulations done with DC storage get the attached error please help
  7. Thank you, i made it
  8. Hello, thanks for the information the latest version of pv sol premium that I have on my laptop is "pv sol premium 2024 r6. Where can I find to download this version thanks!
  9. Hello, Please help me change the pvsol premium 2024 license from one laptop to another. I no longer want pvsol to remain on the original laptop. I would like to specify that I later want to change the license to the new one from November. Please let me know how to proceed correctly Thank you
  10. ionut

    scaling the plans

    It is possible that the respective picture can be zoomed in
  11. ionut

    scaling the plans

    Hello Please, is it possible to improve the way of scaling the plans in jpg format by increasing the accuracy. 3 (zoom option) I attach a screenshot of the one I want thank you
  12. Hello, Please help me with the introduction of Dyness batteries into the program. attached are the technical sheets related to the batteries. Or help me with a video with their manual entry in pV sol thank you 662f5b32ef19ff70ce371325_Dyness DH200Y datasheet-EN.pdf 6656fd3d21ac861ab3a3b43b_Dyness PowerStone datasheet-EN-Y.pdf 65124aade3f4f88698cc5bea_Dyness DH200F(single) datasheet-EN.pdf 6679298ec654d35a40150d8e_Dyness BF100 Series datasheet-EN.pdf 6694780017d2e49657acca8b_Dyness DH100F Series datasheet-EN.pdf
  13. ionut

    Production change

    Thank you for the answer I specify that I did not intervene in the previous simulations. I just opened it and generated another simulation. The difference is very small, 0.2% higher. But the productions were passed on and now that I return to them they have changed and I have to explain the reason It is possible to find a solution to import autocad files in pv Sol, or to identify a solution for entering the boundaries of a land more accurately than scaling jpg files It is possible to create an option to create tables of panels automatically with the possibility of entering the distance between them on the same row example attached
  14. ionut

    Production change

    Hello, We did some projects in November 2023 where a quantity of production resulted (PV Sol 2023 version). I updated to the PV sol 2024 version and now when I open the projects made in the 2023 version, the production has changed. please tell me why? Thank you
  15. Thank you very much These are also my conclusions after a more in-depth analysis I noticed that there was an update to the pv sol version do you have any information on updating the database for huawei batteries? thank you
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