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Everything posted by obikerui

  1. Hi Mikio, okay thanks for the update. Will look out for the update.
  2. Thanks for your reply, I've sent you a message and attached the project file. Let me know if any problems accessing it.
  3. Hello, I'm new to PV Sol and have created my first project which involves an electric vehicle. I've designed a system with 20 PV Panels, an Inverter and a Battery system. When I generate the report the Production Forecast says the 'charge of electric vehicle' is 0 Kwh/Year (please see attached file). It doesn't seem to matter which parameters I alter I can't affect this value. I've added consumption, electric vehicle type, range, charge times etc but nothing has an effect. I'm starting to wonder if I've encountered a bug with the software as the Calculation/Results button skips to the report whenever I press it too. Can you tell how I can affect the charge of electric vehicle value and if skipping the Calculation/Results button is expected in a project with an electric vehicle option? Thanks.
  4. Hello, I'm just getting started with PV*Sol. I'm creating a project with 2 strings of panels of Sunpro SP400-108M10. Comprised of 1 x string of 8 panels in series and 1 x sting of 12 panels in series. I have selected an inverter which is a Solax X1-hybrid 6.0 G4 which has 2 MPPs. I have assigned each string to its own MPP and I'm seeing Red Cross on the Inverter selection. Clicking on the cross shows an error against the Inverter at the "Current in A" graphic. In red text it says Current under STC: 26 (while Max. Input Current: 16 and Max. short circuit current: 20). I have asked for advice from the manufacturer and an electrician and they seem to think the current should not be as high as 26 as the strings are connected to different MPPs. Can you clarify whether the current is correct or not? Shouldn't the current be halved essentially if I'm connecting the strings to 2 MPPs? Please see attached images.
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