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  1. Hello, I was facing issues with battery configuration, 1) there are two inverter in part list , i need only one inverter and battery . how to remove the no 2 row ? 2) how can i chose my inverter and battery separately for eg : sma battery with solis inverter
  2. Hi in the below project there are 174no X 125w thin module in the centre which is around 21.75kw. so i want to configure to any 20k inveter ( Solis , Growatt , SMA, Giv energy ) Could you please advice ? if you could send a screenshot of configuration it would be great. Thanks Strand 49.83kwp trial.pvprj
  3. Hi, Solis inverter 110k 5G pro has 10mppt and 20 input on the datasheet but on PV sol database for same it shows 8 mppt and 16 inputs , could you please check this ?
  4. hello thanks you , but still i'm not able to get daily export data. Basically i want the below graph in daily format from which i can get daily export data.
  5. hello , how to calculate energy exported to grid for every day ? i can get monthly Thanks
  6. Hello everyone, In this project I would like to use solar edge inverter and one optimizer for 2 panels. I have attached a PV sol file i have issues with using 2 panels one optimizer , but works fine 1 x1 could you let me know how i can make this work ? Spectrum House Rev A.pvprj
  7. Hello, if I have 4 different PV systems would i be able to choose only one system to get generation ? Thanks
  8. Hello , thanks for a quick response on the previous one. in this project the PV system is configuring with Solis S5 GC 100k inverter having sizing factor 97.2% but i need to configure with solis 100k 5G pro inverter which is currently available for us in stock. but every time i run with Solis 100k 5G pro PV sol gives a error . but it runs fine with S5GC100k inverter. what could be the issue ? please find the attached photos for reference. Thanks
  9. hello I have issue with solar simulation . I need to make solar shading simulation showing the sun raising in the east to setting in the west ?. PV sol just shows the percentage. is this possible on PV sol ?
  10. Hello , in the below string configuration there are 18 strings in total but on solis 100k 5 pro datasheet you have only 16 strings input ? is this possible?
  11. Hi i'm trying to configure soils 110k 5g pro inverter but only solis 5g 110k inverter is working. what is the issue for pro version to work ? it says all module not configured please find the attached
  12. Hi, how do i make this image centred ?
  13. hi, how to remove white lines ?
  14. hi is there any way i can increase the own consumption ? consumption is 900018kwh pv generation is 589342 kwh own consumption is only 285450kwh i want to increase this to 480000kwh Thanks
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