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Nils Torbjørn

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  1. Hi again moderator and thank you for helping me! What pre-set character is creating this issue then? I do not change this parameter on a regular basis, it happens once, twice a year maybe. It is not me who puts special characters in that field it must be pre-set. And of course, I can’t access the version forwarded in the link, I got a colleague to test on his computer and he has the same issue.
  2. Is it at this dialog box that you want me to not put ''Special Characters''? I have not changed this on any of my resent projects.
  3. Is there a way you could give me the option to go back to realease 2 and use that version until its fixed?
  4. Thank you for the response and sorry for my delayed answer. ''The reason for the charging process not working was that you had only configured 30 kW.'' I could not understand why you kept saying this because i connected all the modules. Seems like i have managed to forward the wrong file in my first inquiry. Sorry for that. As far as the energy flow graph everything seems to be as wished. It’s as DC coupled and almost nothing to export. And the loss due to AC/DC conversion is drastically decreased. I will look at the attached file and see if I can figure what is what.
  5. Hello PV*Sol Forum. I do not know why, but after the latest release i can't save my projects anymore. attached are print screens of the messages i got today and yesterday. I have lost the project files, hence they won't save, but i have exported the PDF files. Please provide me with a solution. I cant save any files at all!!!
  6. Hi Admin! This does not help. You did so many changes to the system that its not the same anymore. You completely changed the entire battery-system with a AC coupled solution. (See attachment). What i want is a DC-coupled system, that's what i am offering our customers. If PV*Sol is not up do date with the DC-coupled systems please let me know. As far as the flow graph goes, that looks perfect. It's a very nice visualization of the cycles and the energy flow. With a DC-coupled system we might reduce the loss in AC/DC conversion alot. It's 1200 kWh. Almost 1/4 of available energy. Again, thank you for the support, much appreciated.
  7. Hello Admin and thank you for the quick reply! Much appreciated. Sadly, these pictures does not explain very easily to me what i have done wrong. I noticed that you changed the hybrid inverters, the ones i used was user created. Maybe i did something wrong there. But you say only 1/4 of the system is connected, I do not understand what that means, where is it not connected? Is it possible for you to attach the PV*Sol file you printed these pictures from too me? That way i can open it and check what you did different? Thank you for the support!
  8. Hi guys! It seems like I have an similar or relatable issue within this topic as well. I have tried to create a battery system with Solis Hybrid inverters and Dyness batteries. Attached you should find the PV*Sol file for the project. It seems like I can’t start the charging process. This building has a constant energy draw of 50kW, and a 110kWp PV system. One 60kV inverter and two 30kV Hybrid inverters. The plan was that the excess energy would be stored in the batteries and then discharged when there is no production, that way we can use all the produced energy on self-coverage. The task is to move the export to charging and discharging and when there is no production, it should self-use. Thank you for all the assistance, much appreciated. PV Sol Trøgstad Maskinhandel AS.pvprj
  9. Hello again Frederik or some other moderator. For some reason the diagram shows in the presentation when i choose the English text language in the presentation. I am Norwegian, our customers are Norwegian, so we prefer the Norwegian option on the presentation. Is this a bug? This should be a quick fix, right? I even found the issue, i think. Hoping for a fast reply, have a good one!
  10. Hello Frederik! I have a issue with the ''carpet plot'' diagram, it simply will not be added to the presentation. I've added the PV Sol file for you, if you want to check your self. I am tearing the hair out of my skull, i do not see where i did my error. Please help! PV Sol Stovner Skole - Solcelleanlegg.pvprj
  11. I just want to add to BorisG's point, i also use the option to change texture on the map section. And i also have to change the orientation of the map some times. I do this so i can get pretty front/heading pictures of our designs. Not important for the project of course, but it looks better than the competing calculators. I've found a temporary work around, but as BorisG says, why are you removing features?
  12. Hi PV Sol! In the ''Screenshot Manager'' there is a function to ''remove all'' below the function ''remove''. Can you please add a confirmation box on this function? I manage to miss-click all the time and I lose all my pictures repeatedly. This would reduce my anger towards the function a lot.
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