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Chloe G

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Everything posted by Chloe G

  1. How often does the climate data update and when are we expecting the next update?
  2. Chloe G

    PV*SOL Wishlist

    I agree with most of the suggestions already sent to this topic and would like to add my own wishlist: Parapet wall integration that wraps around the whole building, tricky if it's a double pitched roof as it will create parapet wall along the ridge Panel swapping feature for different module dimensions, I don't understand why we don't have this already and why the different panel dimensions is an obstacle to this The option to manually string the panels, useful for modelling already existing systems or if there were any changes to the stringing post-installation I echo the need for a bigger design are so we can model bigger projects PVSol is one of the best solar softwares we currently have but hope this thread can help it become the best solar software to use
  3. Dear Valentin team, I really wish there was a way to swap between panels of different dimensions without having to recreate the arrays from scratch. The Replace Module button spits out an error if swapping into a module of different dimensions and I cannot understand why that is. Is this something we can expect to see in upcoming versions? I find this to be one of the most time consuming tasks on PVSol and changing the panels should be easy to do. It's a shame that such a powerful (and expensive) software lacks this feature but a free web-based software like SolarEdge designer can do this no problem. Regards, Chloe
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