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  1. Very clear, thank you Martin.
  2. Hi, Do you know the definition of "Annual Consumption Costs" in the financial analysis parameters? Thank you
  3. Great. Thanks !
  4. There is no PV Modules menu in my model with a 3D design. How to reach these parameters in this case please ?
  5. Thank you Martin. I would like to know the degradation loss percentage considered every year by the software and if this is a value that can be edited by the user, please.
  6. How are the losses due to ageing of the modules taken into account in the simulation please ?
  7. Alain

    tax refund

    Hi Martin, It seems to me that the correct wording would be just "tax" in English and "impôts" in French, not "tax refund" and "remboursement d'impôt". I noted another translation issue in this table: "tarif de revente" should be replaced by "revenu de vente" in my opinion. Cheers
  8. Alain

    tax refund

    It sould be just "tax" (impôts), right? Then maybe just a translation issue?
  9. Hi, This issue is still there. I am using PV*Sol in a virtual machine, on a laptop that doesn't have any graphics card. I am quite sure it comes from this. It may get solved once I update the virtual machine software or replace my laptop...
  10. Alain

    tax refund

    Hello, What is "tax refund" (translated "remboursement du trop perçu" in French) in the financial analysis? How is it calculated please ? Cheers
  11. Hello. I am currently trying PVSOL Premium, still in demo version. I made designed a simple 3D scene and right after saving it, it became all dark, so that I can hardly distinguish the various parts of the model. Above all, this prevent me to see the shading impact on the modules. The problem remains even after reboot of the computer. What is going on here ?
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