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  1. Hello Frederik, Thank you very much for the response. It worked and it changed the string numbers automatically! However, I noticed that in the PDF report, the inverters are still shown as ''Configuration 1'' ''Inverter 1'' etc. Please see below. Is the a way to change the inverter numbers in the report too? In this case, either the ''configuration 1'' or ''inverter 1'' need to change to ''configuration 4'' or ''inverter 4'' Thanks.
  2. Hello Frederik, thank you for the response. It isn't in any page, I am referring to the inverter configuration in the 3D modelling. So say for example when we are revising the design, we might end up with Inverter 1, Inverter 2 and Inverter 5. Is there a quick way to change the number of Inverter 5 to Inverter 3? At the moment what we have to do is to delete the specific configuration and reconfigure so that PV Sol assigns the correct order. Please see attached image and highlighted number. Please can you help? Thanks Tim
  3. Hi, just wondering if anyone knows how to change the inverter numbers once they have been configured, currently have 16 inverters and not in any sort of of order, plus I have a number 17 and '15' is missing. We use PVSOL for design reference for all our drawings and would be great to have inverter numbers that make sense. Thanks Tim
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