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Ajay Deepak

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  1. Hi Frederik, Is this feature introduced already or do you have any estimated timeline for this? Regards, Ajay.
  2. Hi Frederik , I think there is some misunderstanding, In future, multiple MPPT inverters will have 3 to 5 inputs. So here limiting factor will be the input terminal (connector) current in addition to maximum Short-circuit current per MPP tracker. Example: https://support.huawei.com/enterprise/en/doc/EDOC1100191089/8f97422c/technical-data
  3. Hi Frederik, I am referring to below information, capturing maximum MPP current per String (terminal). I can't find this in the new version. In addition to this, you may need to add the option to capture the maximum input current per each input terminal. Future, multiple MPPT inverters will have 4 to 5 inputs. So here limiting factor will be the input terminal (connector) current. Example: https://support.huawei.com/enterprise/en/doc/EDOC1100191089/8f97422c/technical-data Regards, Ajay.
  4. Hi Frederik, Are you planning to consider this in the development? Regards, Ajay.
  5. Hi, Do you need another information on this to add 3 voltage inverter efficiency profile? Regards, Ajay.
  6. Hi, Are you planning to add this function? Regards, Ajay.
  7. Hi, Are you planning to add this function? Regards, Ajay.
  8. Hi Frederik, Following are the main reasons/advantages of considering 3 voltage efficiency for future development. 1. Easy acceptability in the market (including lender's engineer) - Inverter manufacturers always provide efficiency values for 3 or 4 voltages. Based on this certificate, values can be verified. This is one of the basic checkpoints for the inverter section in the energy simulation. 2. Inverter manufacturers do not provide the following change in efficiency value official. So it will be very difficult to verify the accuracy by the simulation engineers. Or PVSOL needs to provide an official tool to converter efficiency values for 3 or 4 voltages to "Change in efficiency" value. Also, to increase transparency, efficiency values for 3 or 4 voltages can be added to the final report in tabular format.
  9. Hi Frederik, Thanks for the quick reply. In addition to this, you may need to add the option to capture the maximum input current per each input terminal. Future, multiple MPPT inverters will have 4 to 5 inputs. So here limiting factor will be the input terminal (connector) current. Example: https://support.huawei.com/enterprise/en/doc/EDOC1100191089/8f97422c/technical-data
  10. Hi, Can we change the warning symbol in the string configuration section from a red danger to a yellow alert icon? Because this is only a generation loss warning. Not a hard design limit. You can use the icon similar to the warning message in the bottom section of the same page.
  11. Hi, Inverter maximum DC power is not a mandatory design limit parameter for array sizing. The maximum array size that can be connected to an inverter should be determined by the maximum short-circuit DC input current rating and the maximum input voltage rating. Even this is removed from the latest IEC 62894. Can we introduce an option like a checkbox near this data, so that users can disable this from PVSOL calculation?
  12. Hi, My cable loss calculation value is different than PVSOL calculation, so I can't use the Detailed section to mention the losses for the same cable sizes. Can we have the option to add DC and AC cable losses separately under the total cable losses section? (maybe including cable size) During power clipping, DC cable losses will be recaptured by clipped DC power. So it needs to be defined separately. Following the example cases, 1. Centralized architecture: DC cable loss - 1.5%, AC cable loss - 0.2% 2. Decentralized architecture: DC cable loss - 0.5%, AC cable loss - 2%
  13. Hi, In the case of multiple MPPT inverters, do we need to add a single MPPT Isc or combined Isc data in the below section? In most cases of multiple MPPT inverters, I can see combined Isc data. But this is not relevant for inverter protection. If it is for single MPPT current (Isc), can you add some text mentioning single MPPT Isc in this section?
  14. Hi, Is there any plan to add three voltage efficiency data points? This will help to improve the accuracy and helps users to verify the efficiency data based on IEC 61683 certificate values. Minimum 3 voltage efficiency testing is mandatory as per IEC. Some manufacturers also do it for 4 voltage values. I have attached an IEC certificate for your reference. SMA_SHP100_150_UNBED_IEC61683_eng_U20-0064.pdf
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