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Sonne die

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  1. Dear all, May this is an stupid question, but after looking for internet explanation I couldn't clear it up. The concept of Yeal Reduction due to Shading. It is evaluated in %/year. This confuses me a little. As example, a value of 15 %/year. Does it mean that every new year the Yeal is reducing 15 % due the Shading, so as example if the first years production is 1000 kWh, second will be 1000*0,75, third 1000*0.75*0.75, so on.. So that would be too much and it would mean that the shading would be reducing the lifetime of the plant in a shocking way. What I find more logic is that this means that within the performance ratio, let say if this is 75%, 15 % es due to shading. So first year is 1000*0,75, second is 1000*0,75, third 1000*0,75, etc. (I'm not considering here the decrement of production due the anual wear). But the fact of be written in %/year in contrast to the PR, which is written just in % confuses me.
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