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  1. Hello, We have a internal discussion about how to calculate DC cables. I have been told that it its 2 way (go and return) including the extra lenght of the connection cables. My colleague thinks it is one way including modules. In PV-Sol there is been written 1x go and return. What length must i put in with a 100mtr from inverter to module to calculate te totall loss. is it (a) 100 + connection cables modules. ±140mtr (b) 100 + connection cables and return ±260mtr
  2. Hi, In my situation I have a 2MWp solar installation connected to 1.3MVa inverter power. The maximum grid connection is 630 KVa and a maximum contracted power of 400 KVa, due to grid congestion is it not possible to get more capable power. My client has a very high energy consumption. The quarterly values has been added to my design. The value of 400KVa is leading and cannot be exceeded. What setup must I use to apply the limit of 400KVa. I think maximum feed-in power clipping at feed-in point set on 20% or 30%. depends on which data I need to use. Is it maximum WP (solar panels 20%) or KW (inverters 30%)? Kid regards, Andreas.
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