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Abdel Rahman

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  1. Hi PVsol team I hope to get your help. I have solar PV system on flat roof. I am facing a problem with the title angle and the pitch (Row distance). I tried to change the pitch and the tilt angle values but PVsol didn't change anything so always the tilt angle is 30 degrees and the row distance 1.982m. So I tried to increase the row distance value by increasing the value of "Row depth" but nothing has been changed in PVsol. How can I change the row distance "the pitch" and the tilt angle in PVsol?
  2. Thank you so much.
  3. Hi, Very small question. I want to delete some project from the list but I don't know how, Please can you instruct me how can I do it ? Thank you in advance
  4. Thank you so much. Now big differences in the results in terms of saving.
  5. Thank you for your support. I still face some difficulties to understand the tariffs issues and I hope to get help to set the right tariff for my project. I followed your instructions and I added a new grid tariff as shown in figure 1 but nothing has been changed in the report, I mean the prices didn't change as you can see in the figure 2. Do I need to any actions to activate the tariff that I have been created? Also I have created a new feed-in tariff as shown in figure 3 but same problem nothing changed in the report. Also here by comparing the feed in tariff that I have added to other feed in tariffs in the database of PVsol I have found some differences or issues I didn't understand as seen in figure 4 and I don't know if I need to change my tariff according to PVsol database tariff as shown in figure 4. Thank you in advance.
  6. Hi, I have residential PV project in Germany. Please can help me in two small details 1- How can I set the electricity price (Tariff) which is now about 50 cent/KWh? 2- How can I set the electricity price sold (the surplus from the customer side) to the grid which is 12cent/KWh? 3- How can I know /import the current tariff in Germany /is is applied to all Germany or it differ based on province? Thank you in advance
  7. Hi, I have just updated PVsol to PV*sol premium 2023R version. There is warning message and I didn't understand what I have to do to solve it. The message content as follows: the application data of your selected feed in tariff does not correspond with the defined validity. Please check your entries. Can you help me to understand what does the message mean and how can I remove this message? Thank you in advance
  8. Thank you so much for your support.
  9. Hello, First of all, sorry for much details in my question but it is necessary to describe the problem. I have solar residential PV system in Germany, I am facing a problem and I hope to get help . The DC power of the system is 9430 W (9.4 KWp) with 23 luxor 410W PV modules connected with SMA Sunny Tripower 10.0KW. The inverter has 2 MPPTs (A:2/B:1). The inverter has Max. input current input A (20A) / input B (12A), and Max. DC short-circuit current input A (30A) / input B (18A). The PV module Impp is 12.9A and the short circuit current of the module is 13.72A Now the problem as follows: At the beginning we had 24 modules divided into 2 strings, each string consist of 12 PV modules connected to the name MPPT (Input A). During the installation we forced to remove one module from the system. Then we modified the system to be two strings one with 12 Module and another one with 11 modules. each string has been connected to separate MPPTs since they different with the number of PV modules. After that I returned to PVsol to update the plan and make it two strings , one with 12 modules and another one with 11 modules but the program gives an warning message which prevent me to complete the design as shown the figure . Actually I know the reason why I got this message ( the PV module current Impp at STC (12.9A) is greater than the Max. input current of input B (12A) of the inverter, but the system was installed in September and it is working without any problems but we don't know if will be any problem in the future. Now, We need to update the plan because it is necessary step as a part of PV system installation process for the customer. What can I do since we must update the plan? Please any suggestions that could help me to complete the design and solve the problem. Also, here I am wondering in the beginning (before removing one PV module) with the case of two PV strings (each 12) connected to same MPPT (Input A), where the max input current for tracker A is 20A but the current of the two strings that entering into the tracker is 25.8A, and that's mean the limitation of the inverter has been exceeded but PVsol has been accept the design! I attached the Inverter and PV module specifications. Final question, do you think that the modules currently don't produce the nominal current for that reason the system is working properly, but the modules might produce higher current in summer for example which can cause problem for the inverter ?
  10. Hi, I have flat roof as shown in the figure and I am facing two challenges in the design. First one, The orientation of modules is 169,20 degree (South-East) but when I set the modules, it takes the opposite orientation and the modules are faced to the North . I don't know why that happens. How can I orientate the modules to be faced with 169,20 not the opposite ? The second challenge is the tilt angle in the 3D. it seems that the angle is set to be 30 degrees which is not suitable for this project and it seems when I want to change this value it returns automatically to 30 degrees. How can I solve this problem or change the tilt angle? Best Regards, Abd
  11. Hi, I have a project and I face some difficulties to deal with irregular gabled roof. Is there any possibility to model the gabled roof shown in the figure in PVsol? The problem I don't know how can I deal with these edges ( yellow circles) in PVsol, since drawing the roof from the map doesn't give the real shape of the gabled roof.
  12. Hi, I hope to get support for my problem. I have building with gable roof. I insert picture from map and I drew the building by using sketch 3D polygon option, but the problem PVsol didn't recognize it as gable roof when I used exclude 3D object as shown in the picture . What I can do to solve this problem?
  13. I have flat roof PV system and I wanted to draw the roof boundaries but I didn't find the option "exclude 3D object" in the menu when I right click on the object as shown in the figure. My question where I can find this option? Thank you in advance
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