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  1. Bumping this one It stil isnt making sense to me why it would start the generator like that.
  2. Im testing out PVSOL on a standalone pv system with generator. Im using "regulation based on battery status", start 10% stop 50% for the generator ("reg. based on appliance load" unchecked). When I look through the csv-simulation data in excel (see attached screenshot) it shows the generator (column D, "Backup generator energy") starting even though the battery SOC (column C) is at 96%. Why is it doing this? Edit: "Indicated consumption" is not so high that there's a need to start the generator to keep SOC above 10%. Battery or battery inverter are not limiting factors as far as i can tell.
  3. Hi! I'm trying to figure out how the financial analysis is carried out in pvsol. The net present value equations in pvsol are a bit different from the standard NPV equations used elsewhere. Is anyone able to describe how you get from the standard equations to the ones used in pvsol?
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