Kind regards,
we would like to ask if there is any way to limit (maybe with percentages) the amount of energy that our photovoltaic system will send to the grid (we are not referring to the power limitation).
Although we put a load proffile, where corresponds a value of consumption in percentage to the different hours of the day, even if we put a higher consumption than the production of the photovoltaic system, there is always a lot of energy in the final calculation that is returned to the network, as if it were surplus, but in reality it is not so,
We do not know if we are skipping some step or some parameter that we can configure to take a default value of the monthly production and put it as surplus,
When according to our calculations the consumption of this building would use practically 95% of the energy generated, the program tells us that it would have an own power comsuption of 56%.
In summary, our intention is that in the graph Use of PV energy, the amount of energy "Grid Feed-in" is as close as possible to 0, but we have already put all the consumption (in the load profile) to the hours of solar production,and thus prevent the system from drawing more power from the grid.
We do not know if there is any technique or trick to achieve this.
Thank you very much in advance, we are just starting with the program and our technical team still has a lot to learn,
Best regards