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Lukas Bernhard

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  1. I'm not an expert with finances but I had a similiar question. Google "Diskontierung".. Maybe it will also answer your question.
  2. Good Day everyone I'm working on optimizing the finances of large agricultural PV-Systems. In my country the price for the electric load is defined by the largest measurement per month. It makes a very big difference especially in agriculture and industry where there are large load peaks. I can't find an option where I can enter a load based price. Is there a workaround I could exploit? For the same reason I'd like to use batteries to help with the load optimization. Are there different options how the battery can be prioritized? Best, Lukas
  3. Hi Martin I resetted the regional settings in windows and it seems to have done the trick! Thank you very much. It's a bit strange since I haven't changed any of the settings recently except the currency. Best, Lukas
  4. Hi Jimmy Yes this has also caught my eye but the scale according to the map-background is correct and if I draw placement fields for modules, the scale is also correct. I just tried to set the scale to 1:1000 and then the maximum height drops to 17meters which is more reasonable. But the building gets obviously 1000 times smaller and isn't usable anymore. Also, if i try to manually change the the max hight, it just increases it to the maximum value again. I think something is completely broken with these fields in my installation. I think i will try a reinstallation next..
  5. Good Day everyone! I've been working with PVsol for some time now and I have this intermittent error that for example if I want to change the orientation of an importet 3D-Model it automatically changes it to the maximum value and tells me it's too big. During the entry of the data (example 180°) the building successfully upgrades it's orientation. As soon as I click out of the field it changes the value to 360000 or something ridiculous and it gives the error that it's too big. Usually the program crashes immidiately after. The only workaround for me at the moment is a completely new project which is a huge waste of time. The same happens with almost all data entry panels (Window sizes, roof dimensions for in-software generated buildings and so on). I can't use the software like this.. has anyone ever expirienced the same problem? Thank you very much for the help.
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