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Christoffer Jonsson

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  1. I fixed the problem with the wrong values. But i will send you the project file so you can check on the incorrect format
  2. Hi! No i did the numbers manually. It always end up on the left side actually. Dont know why though
  3. Hi! I am doing a simulation to see the differents between a Amerisolar 370W solar module and for Almaden 310. Amerisolar 370 - 29,23kWp - 24 0000kWh - Perfomance ratio 91,1% Almaden 310 - 26,06kWp - 59 000kWh - Perfomance Ratio 232% As you can see there is no possibility that Almaden 310 could generate that amount of power. I have double checked the values to the product sheet and everything looks correct. Do you have any idea on how to troubleshoot this?
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