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Usama Alfadel

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  1. Thanks for the explination Martin,
  2. Hi Martin, Thanks for your reply, I have one more question though about what you wrote above: (Just chose the same device as PV inverter and battery inverter ? Do you mean that if I chose the same inverter (ex. Fronius Symo Gen 24 10 plus for my PV system, I should choose the same inverter type and effect for the battery system as well, and a Fronius Gen 24 8 plus won't give me right results in the simulation)? And if the program calculates the two inverters seperatly, doesnt it mean, that in the Financial calculation, we would get 2 x the cost of one of those inverters? And for energy losess in the system, would't it be higher ? Thanks for your help
  3. Hi, I am trying to do a simulation for a PV system with an energy storage (BYD batteris) So at first, I started by defining the system, 33 Trina S vertix paneles *395W, divided between two different strings, one with 16 panels and the other is with 17 panels. When I move on and try to define an energy storage system, seems like I can't use the same inverter for the energy storage as the one for the PV system, eventhoug according to the inverter datasheet, the inverter has two different PV inputs, and it has a battery input, so in theorey it should work, but seems like the storage system is a seperate system from the PV system. Eventhough if I change in the database of the inverter and I chose a DC connection methode, it doesnt help. So is it a wrong approach, or is it a limitation in PVsol for the current versions? Please be advised, I tried different versions from 2020, 2021, and the latest version of the program. And what is the idea behind merging the data sheet of the batteries and the inverters ? I mean in the older versions, it was possiable to choose BYD batteries seperatly with their own database, now, the each compitable batteries, comes under the same database of the inverter manufacutre :)
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